About Energy Technologies, Inc.

Our Mission

Energy Technologies, Inc. (ETI) is dedicated to providing highly reliable, yet cost effective product solutions for the computer and power conditioning requirements of critical applications including the military, industrial, medical, and telecommunications sectors.

Company Profile

Energy Technologies, Inc.(ETI), established in 1991, is a privately held electronics and technology manufacturing company which creates power products sold worldwide.

ETI currently operates from 35,200 square feet of manufacturing and engineering facilities in Mansfield, Ohio. ETI has become a world leader in providing extremely reliable power backup and generation equipment to the defense, homeland security, industrial, medical, and telecom sectors. From sedate office and control room environments to the shock and vibration of shipboard and military vehicle applications or the temperature extremes of unprotected desert installations, ETI’s products have become the Standard in rugged power applications today.


ETI started in 1991 in an abandoned masonry building originally built as a car dealership in the early 1940’s. This was located in a run-down area of Mansfield, Ohio near downtown that the City government considered a blight. We replaced the roof, renovated the inside and set up initial production in 1992. As we grew and needed more space, we began acquiring other distressed properties in the area. We bought the original drive-in restaurant in Mansfield and converted it to Engineering offices. Later we bought the first (in the world) coin-operated laundromat building and converted it to Research and Development. We then acquired a two-story building that was originally a jewelry manufacturer but was converted to slum apartments with lots of drug activity. We gutted the building and renovated it into our Warehouse.

Then we worked with the City to acquire land for future growth. We purchased what was once a farm bureau that had become a bunch of dilapidated and collapsing buildings housing drug deals and stolen cars. The City allocated some funds to help us demolish it all in preparation for a future manufacturing site. Today we have a campus of five buildings and ten 40′ ISO containers totaling 35,200 square feet. We have City Planning Commission approved plans for two new buildings totaling over 30,000 square feet. We took an area of Mansfield that was considered a slum and converted it into a modern and attractive facility with lots of landscaping around each building. The City continues to praise us and an Ohio Governor has been to and spoken publicly at our facilities twice. He even did the ribbon cutting ceremony when we opened our R&D facility.


ETI products are very well known for their high-quality and dependability. ETI’s products are commonly selected to maintain power 24/7/365 to critical applications equipment in a wide range of environments. With over 50,000 units deployed throughout the world, the average Mean-Time-Between-Failure (MTBF) exceeds 250,000 hours (28.5 years). The average Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR) is less than 30 minutes. ETI’s Campus has achieved and continuously maintains ISO 9001-2015 Certification.

ETI’s Clients Include:

  • Prime Contractors: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Boeing, Hewlett Packard, L3 Communications and numerous others
  • Industrial Firms: Bayer, GE Wind Energy, Honeywell, Lyondell-Citgo, Miller Brewing, Texas Instrument, Union Carbide and many others
  •  Federal Agencies: US Navy, US Marine Corps., US Coast Guard, US Air Force, US Army, NATO, FBI, State Department, NSA and GSA

Contact Us

*(denotes required field)

Contact ETI by mail at:
Energy Technologies, Inc.
219 Park Avenue East
Mansfield, OH 44902-1845

Contact ETI by phone or fax:
Voice: 419-522-4444
FAX: 419-522-4466